INDUSTRY NEWS: EnergyX Supports Major Grid Frequency Event

As many in our Australian-side industry have been noting, earlier this week on Tue 13th Feb 2024, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) advised of a 'Significant Power System Event' event centered on Victoria (Melbourne) initiated by transmission system failure, massive loss of load, and generator tripping issues at a coal fired power station. Paul McArdle of WattClarity from Global-Roam detailed the event here.

The Grid frequency dropped to 49.689 Hz, (50Hz nominal in Australia) an excursion below the 49.85 Hz lowest in the normal operating band lasted a significant ~8 minutes. To understand why this matters, read this
plain language explanation from Marija Petkovic.

In support of this major event, all of our EnergyX® Control kits which run over both C&I and Utility BESS systems across the NEM were working their little electronic hearts out capturing the super high speed pre/event/post traces of the kW/Hz power responses and then automatically generating the very fast/fast/slow/delayed MASS Compliance reports and raise data sets for use in AEMO's verification tool, which we fully anticipate will be requested. See the report excerpts below:

If you need any assistance with FCAS MASS compliance metering or triggering, don't manually troll through raw data - please contact us about the suite of EnergyX products which can help you comply.


MEET THE TEAM: Matt Farrelly


EVENT: Visit AZZO at Microgrid Knowledge 2024